The 8,000th employee at Audi Hungaria - 2012. 04. 05.
• Over 600 new jobs since January 2012 • The 8,000th employee will work at the new vehicle assembly line • Excellent career opportunities for highly qualified professionals
Supplier forum at Audi Hungaria - 2012. 04. 02.
• Information event for future suppliers in connection with the automotive plant expansion • In focus: car manufacturing
Audi Hungaria partners with MOBILIS - 2012. 03. 14.
• The MOBILIS Interactive Exhibition Center opened its doors in Győr • A glimpse into the world of the physics of motion and the auto industry • Getting children and young people interested in technology
A successful business year at Audi Hungaria - 2012. 03. 01.
• Exceptionally high sales revenues and production volume • Further major investment projects launched in Győr • Over 1,400 new employees
Once again, Audi Hungaria is the “Most Attractive Employer - 2012. 03. 01.
• It is the fourth time that the Győr-based company stands on the top step of the podium • The Employer Brand Survey rated 247 companies in Hungary • 400 new jobs for highly trained university and college graduates
Audi Hungaria is supporting future engineers with scholarship grants - 2012. 02. 08.
• The vehicle manufacturer from Győr established a scholarship grant for engineers • A gross amount of HUF 92,000 is awarded to each of six students working on their Master’s Degrees. • Excellent career opportunities for the students of Széchenyi István University.
Vocational Training Has Begun at Audi Hungaria Project and Training Centre - 2012. 02. 01.
• 13 professions are trained at Audi Hungaria • Ensuring a steady, high-quality labour supply • Attractive future prospects for young people
Audi Hungaria Awarded “Investor of the Year” - 2012. 01. 27.
• Hungary’s highest volume expansion in 2011 • Contribution to the growth of the Hungarian economy
A Record Year at Audi Hungaria - 2012. 01. 24.
• Over 1,800,000 engines • Close to 40,000 vehicles • Expansion of the Győr facilities as scheduled
10-year technological development effort expanded with vehicle development - 2011. 12. 05.
• Engine Development is celebrating its 10th Anniversary. • Vehicle Development: investment worth over HUF 2 billion, 70 new jobs • Employment opportunities for talented, creative engineers
Vehicle-simulator system at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) with the cooperation of Audi Hungaria - 2011. 11. 22.
• Audi TT for educational and simulation purposes at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) • Richárd Rozman, the Director of HR of Audi Hungaria: “We support training and research at a high level with the simulator system.” • Prof. Dr. Béla Kulcsár, BME’s Dean of the Department of Traffic and Vehicle Engineering: “ Students will get within reach of the latest technology.“ • Partnership ties with BME since 2003
10 millionth four-cylinder Otto-cycle engine manufactured - 2011. 11. 15.
• Mass production of the four-cylinder petrol engine since 1994 • Achim Heinfling, the Managing Director of Audi Hungaria, responsible for engine manufacturing: “This Grand Anniversary is proof of the premium quality of our engines and the excellent performance of our employees.” • Efficient power source for each model of the Volkswagen conglomerate


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