Expansion of the Audi Hungaria School

2014. 07. 22.

• Campus increases to 9 600 square meters by 2017
• Continuous increase in demand for intercultural teaching concepts
• Thomas Sigi, Board of Management Member for Human Resources: “Education is the basis of our competence and the driving force behind future innovation.”

Győr, 22 July 2014 – Representatives of the AUDI Group and Audi Hungaria laid the cornerstone for the expansion of the Audi Hungaria School in Győr: by 2017, the construction of a new and modern school centre with places for 650 children divided into 25 classes will be finished on the campus. The project is led by the foundation “German-Hungarian Educational Centre” and serves as proof for the effective cooperation between the German national school system and the economy. The expansion will be financed to a large extent by AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. The Hungarian government also supports the planned construction. Through infrastructural development in the immediate region, the city of Győr largely contributes to the realization of the project. Today, Péter Szijjártó, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Zsolt Borkai, Mayor of the city Győr, Prof. h.c. Thomas Sigi, Board of Management Member for Human Resources at the AUDI Group and Thomas Faustmann, Chairman of the Board of Management at Audi Hungaria celebrated the laying of the foundation stone.

“In 1993, Audi found a second home in Hungary. Audi Hungaria is the largest engine producer on the planet and inhabits one of the most modern car factories of the AUDI Group. A valuable centre of competence which grew with incredible speed – and continues to do so”, said Prof. h.c. Thomas Sigi, Board of Management Member for Human Resources at the AUDI Group. “Education is the basis of our competence and the driving force behind future innovation. With the Audi Hungaria School we raise children and promote education from the very beginning.”

By 2017, the completion of a new and modern school centre is planned on the campus. Some parts of the current building will be demolished, some parts will be renovated and expanded. In addition, a new, multifunctional hall and a canteen will also be constructed. The entire, completed premises will reach an area of 9 600 square meters and will accommodate 45 classrooms.

“The Audi Hungaria School is one of the most modern and trendsetting schools of the country”, said Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management at Audi Hungaria for Human Resources. “Through its excellent and multilingual education it secures the attractiveness of the West-Hungarian production site. This form of high-standard education benefits the whole region.”

Since 2013, the Audi Hungaria School is acknowledged as a German international school and is part of a global network of 142 German international schools. As a German-Hungarian international school it realizes an educational concept which makes it possible for both Hungarian and German students to finish their studies and acquire a certificate which is acknowledged in both Hungary and Germany. Furthermore, integration into the German school system of those German students, who only spend a few years in Hungary, is also secured.

By 2016, secondary school education will also be available to students due to the introduction of the tenth grade. The first exams for the German-Hungarian certificate will take place in 2018. This year, two first grade classes with both Hungarian and German children will start their studies. Together, they will be taught according to the unified German curriculum.

The encounter of the two different languages and cultures bears an increased significance at the Audi Hungaria School which operates a day school system. During cooperative free-time activities children spend time together outside the classroom and thus get to exchange culture and language. With the expansion of the Audi Hungaria School, the aim of the company as largest employer of the region is to increase the attractiveness of the production site, to strengthen bonds between employees and to promote the education of the young.
In 2010, the Audi Hungaria School Győr was founded, starting with 58 children and three grades and has been gradually expanded since. The expansion to 12 grades which also include a certificate will be finished by the school term of 2017/2018. Last year, a total of 348 children – 282 Hungarian and 66 German – visited the school. The continuously growing demand and headcount are the two most important reasons for the expansion.

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