Audi Hungaria: Energy efficiency with the supply of geothermal heat

2014. 07. 10.

• The new geothermal system covers 60% of the heat energy used by the company
• At least 82.000 MWh heat energy every year
• Thomas Faustmann, Chairman of the Board of Management: : “Energy efficiency is a key element of our corporate strategy“.

Győr, July 10, 2014. – By the end of next year AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. will be using heat energy produced by a future-oriented geothermal system. Today Thomas Faustmann, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria and Péter Tóth, CEO and member of the board of PannErgy Nyrt. visited along with Hungarian journalists the drilling base in Pér in the vicinity of the company. After commissioning, the system will supply to Audi at least 82.000 MWh heat energy to Audi Hungaria annually. Environmental friendly and efficient energy use and saving energy are a basic element of the strategy of the engine and vehicle manufacturing company: they want to reduce energy use by 25% by the year 2018.

“The commissioning of the geothermal system is yet another important milestone in achieving our environmental objectives“, declared Thomas Faustmann, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria during the site visit. “The use of energy efficient and environment friendly technologies is an important element of our corporate strategy. To this day we are one of the most efficient companies in Central Eastern-Europe regarding the use of energy.”

The drilling depth of the planned well is about 2 400 metres, which requires two months of drilling. The beginning of the drilling also marks the launch of the Geothermal Project in Győr, whose aim is to exploit the geothermal potential of the region for industrial purposes.

“The investment in Győr – in addition to the drilling, the production and sequestration wells – includes the building of the whole geothermal heating system”, said Péter Tóth, CEO and member of the board of PannErgy Nyrt. “The underground engineering works of the planned 11-12 kilometre pipeline can begin after the successful drilling, in the autumn of 2014. PannErgy will carry out the Geothermal Project in Győr partly with its own, partly with EU funds.”

With the use of the at least 82 000 MWh/year geothermal heat energy 60% of Audi Hungaria’s heat needs can be provided in a CO2 neutral way, meaning that CO2 emissions can be reduced by at least an additional annual 19 800 tons. The project is only one of the 380 measures that the company has taken in the past four years to increase energy efficiency. With these measures Audi Hungaria has saved a total of 57,6 GWh of energy. In the framework of the new project the company has concluded a 17+15 year energy supply contract with DD Energy Kft., a subsidiary of PannErgy Nyrt. The project to be realized by PannErgy Group has all those permits, which are required in the current phase, and as the project progresses, the rest of the permits will also be obtained.

Sustainability and the efficient use of energy are deeply embedded in the corporate strategy of Audi Hungaria. The manufacturing of premium vehicles has a system-level concept. One of the central jobs of energy management integrated into the system of environment management is – together with the production and planning divisions – the long-term realisation of the energy objectives in the framework of the certified management system. At the core are – in addition to efficient and sustainable energy production – the efficient recovery of the already used resources, the keyword being energy recovery. In the area of production and building engineering the decreasing of energy use to an optimal level is the target.

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