Audi Hungaria at the top in energy efficiency

2014. 05. 28.

• CO2 –free production, use and saving of energy are all central elements of energy management systems
• Achim Heinfling, Managing Director for Engine Production: “We connect long-term, sustainable mobility with climate-neutral production sites”.
• Certified engine and car production

AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. will consistently maintain its premium-level standards not only for its own products, but also in terms of energy efficiency and environmentally friendly production. The economical use of energy and operation sustainable for the long term are both completely and systematically integrated factors as elements of the corporate strategy. In the certification process Audi Hungaria has – for the first time – integrated its new car production into the system of EMAS guidelines.

“The energy balance of cars must be equalized from the very first kilometre they do” – states Achim Heinfling. As Managing Director for Engine Production and Environmental Management Representative of Audi Hungaria, he and his colleagues have been intensively working on improving the CO2 balance from the birth of new models. “Cars and their production should place the smallest burden on our environment” – stresses Heinfling. “Audi Hungaria connects long-term sustainable mobility with climate neutral production sites.” For this the company uses innovative technologies and involves its colleagues in this endeavour.

For the targeted realisation and development of this long-term sustainability Audi Hungaria uses a special system-centred concept. The central job of energy management working as the organic part of environment protection – together with the production and design units – is to ensure the long-term realisation of energy objectives within the framework of certified management systems. In this process – in addition to efficient and long-term energy generation – the reuse of certain types of energy, mainly as the utilization of waste heat as well as the minimisation of energy and building engineering needs of production are the focal points.

The company possesses the EU’s extremely strict Eco-Management and Audit Scheme; the EMAS certification since 1999. The energy management-system is also an organic part of the new car factory’s operation. In the past days Audi Hungaria – in an eco audit – has involved its new vehicle production in its energy and environment management system. This means that the whole factory has obtained certification according to the EMAS guidelines and certification according to ISO 500001 and ISO 140001. In appreciation of its environment protection and energy systems Audi Hungaria received several awards, among them the EMAS prize awarded to the company in 2014 by the European Commission for its environmentally-friendly activities.

One if the important elements of the energy production with little CO2 emission is the modern combined heat and power plant built on the area of the new car factory last year. With its gas engine it generates electricity and heat, supplying the new production halls with electricity and heat energy. Its use can save 21,600 MWh energy annually.

Yet another important element of the concept of saving energy is – in addition to generating energy – the efficient use of the available sources and the efficient recuperation of the already used resources. In the future the waste energy from the generation of cooling energy will be used to heat company halls, with which the company will be able to save 15,500 MWh energy.

The third element of the concept is energy efficiency. With the energy efficient filters and liquid management between 2009 and 2014 another 2,470 MWh energy was saved in engine production. At the same time there is an advanced central control unit continuously monitoring the building engineering equipment.

The balance of energy saved in the past four years speaks for itself: as a result of 381 measures in all over 57,6 GWh energy has been saved. Projected to the energy necessary for the production of one engine, it represents a decrease of over 10% in the period discussed. Between 2010 and 2013 – on average – 3,7% less energy was used on an annual basis. In line with its environmental targets the company is planning to decrease its added energy use by 25% by 2018.

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