Audi Hungaria Supporting Charitable Causes

2013. 10. 15.

• The company supports social projects from the proceeds of the ETO FC – FC Bayern München Football Gala
• Audi Hungaria donates HUF 17 million
• Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, Managing Director for Human Resources: “We at Audi assume responsibility for society.”

Audi Hungaria dedicates its net proceeds from the Győri ETO FC – FC Bayern München Football Gala to charitable causes. Today, Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, Managing Director for Human Resources, handed over the donations worth HUF 17 million to the representatives of various foundations. In addition to support provided to the succession programme of the Győr football club, this amount is dedicated to help six regional social institutions.

“Social Responsibility is one of the core elements of the everyday operations of Audi Hungaria. Hence the net proceeds from the Jubilee Football Gala will be dedicated to charitable causes at the 20th anniversary of Audi Hungaria in operation, with a focus on young people, health protection and the development of succession regarding football. All this provides a good example of our company’s social responsibility projects in the region”, said Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, Managing Director for Human Resources.

Through its donations, Audi Hungaria supports six social projects and institutions: the Cardiac Catheterization Győr Foundation; the National Ambulance Service Foundation; the Gézengúz Foundation and Lurkó Foundation; the Foundation for Healthy Newborns; and the Home for Mothers, Infants and Children of the Saint Cyril and Methodius Foundation. The foundations can spend the amounts offered by Audi Hungaria on purchasing high-tech devices and equipment.

Audi Hungaria has committed itself to supporting culture, sports and social areas from as early as the company’s establishment. Among other things, the vehicle manufacturer is the main sponsor of the Győr Ballet Company; a special sponsor of Győri ETO FC Football Club; the name-giving main sponsor of the Győri Audi ETO Handball Club; and also plays an important role in the development of secondary school and higher education, under the scope of which the company has cooperation projects in place with several educational institutions.

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