Audi Hungaria: Successful first half of year

2013. 08. 02.

• Over 1 million engines produced
• EUR 335 million investment
• 900 new staff members recruited in first half of year
• Production of Audi A3 Limousine full steam ahead

AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. closed an eventful first six months, due in part to the opening of the new vehicle factory and the series of events organised on the occasion of the company’s 20th anniversary. During the past six months the company exceeded the “one million” milestone in engine production: in total there were 1,019,595 (1,039,026)* power sources manufactured. In addition, 13,416 (21,569) vehicles were also manufactured at Audi Hungaria. From the beginning of January until the end of June the car manufacturer implemented an investment project worth EUR 335 (305) million, and recruited 900 new employees.

“In the year marking the 20th anniversary of the existence of Audi Hungaria we already managed to achieve key milestones in the first six months of the year: the commissioning of the new vehicle factory, and the strategic agreement concluded with the Hungarian government are important steps towards the successful future of the company. These factors are proof of our lead role in the economic life of Hungary”, said Thomas Faustmann, Chief Executive Officer of Audi Hungaria. The launch of the new vehicle factory in June marked the conclusion of an investment worth over EUR 900 million. With its annual production capacity of 125,000, Audi Hungaria became one distinguished pillar of the Audi Group.

As regards engine production, in the first half of the year 775,991 (769,586) four- and five-cylinder Otto- and Diesel-engines, and 220,794 (255,911) six-cylinder, as well as 22,810 (13,529) eight-, ten- and twelve-cylinder engines were manufactured.

In the first six months Audi Hungaria manufactured a total of 13,416 (21,569) cars, including
7,925 (10,042) Audi TT Coupé, 2,456 (3,479) Audi TT Roadster, 2,633 (5,962) Audi A3 Cabriolet, and 402 Audi A3 Limousine vehicles. The approximately 40% decrease in production was attributable to the end-of-series phase of the Audi A3 Cabriolet and Audi RS3 models.

From the beginning of January until the end of June the car manufacturer implemented an investment project worth EUR 335 (305) million. The company expended the majority of the investment on the construction works of the new vehicle factory and the expansion of engine production capacity. By that, the value of total investments increased to approximately EUR 6 billion since the foundation of the company in 1993. In the first six months of 2013, revenues amounted to EUR 2.8 (2.96) billion.

As of 30 June, Audi Hungaria had 9,393 (8,322) staff members employed. About 900 new staff members started work as employees of the company in the first half of year already. The objective of the company is for its headcount to reach 10,000 still this year. The car manufacturer remains a highly attractive employer, which is proven by the fact that this spring Audi Hungaria was awarded the title of “Most Attractive Employer” for the fifth time now in Hungary.

AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. also contributes to the economic development of the region. The company supports the Győr/Pér airport construction project in cooperation with the Hungarian state and the city of Győr. In line with the extension of the factory, airport traffic is also increasing, along with a need for the development of flight security.
In addition, Audi Hungaria provided a donation worth EUR 250,000 to the areas particularly hard-hit by the flood in Győr.

* Figures in brackets refer to the first half of the year 2012

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