Audi Hungaria Awarded “Investor of the Year”

2012. 01. 27.

• Hungary’s highest volume expansion in 2011
• Contribution to the growth of the Hungarian economy

Yesterday, at the Parliament in Budapest, AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. was awarded the honour of “Investor of the Year.” The company implemented Hungary’s “highest volume expansion” in 2011. The decision regarding the construction of the pressing plant - as a supplemental investment in the new vehicle manufacturing facility - was made at the beginning of 2011. The company creates 300 new jobs with the pressing plant. Dr. Johannes Roscheck, Audi Hungaria’s Managing Director for Financial Affairs, received the award from Dr. Zoltán Cséfalvay, the State Secretary of the Ministry for National Economy and from Erzsébet Dobos, the President of the Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency (HITA).

Based on the recommendation by HITA, the Ministry for National Economy annually rewards companies with such investing performance that contributed to the development of the Hungarian economy and employment to the largest extent.

By 2013, the Győr company will be developed into a complete automotive production facility: in addition to the bodywork plant, paint shop and vehicle assembly line, a pressing plant is also being built. With the expansion of its facilities Audi Hungaria is implementing an investment in excess of 900 million Euros and is creating 2100 new jobs, 300 of which are at new pressing plant. Since its foundation in 1993 up until the end of 2011, the company spent over 4 billion Euros for the development of its Győr facility.

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