A Record Year at Audi Hungaria

2012. 01. 24.

• Over 1,800,000 engines
• Close to 40,000 vehicles
• Expansion of the Győr facilities as scheduled

Record figures at AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft.: In 2011, manufacturing figures have once again risen significantly in engine and vehicle manufacturing. Last year at Audi Hungaria, a total of 1,883,757 (2010: 1,648,030) engines have been manufactured. This exceeds the previous year’s production results by 14.3 percent. 39,518 (2010: 38,541) vehicles left the production line at the company. Compared to 2010, this is equivalent to a growth of 2.5 percent. In 2011, Audi Hungaria took on 1,200 new employees.

“We have concluded a very successful year, with a high production volume,” stated Thomas Faustmann, Chief Executive Officer of AUDI Hungaria. “Thanks to our innovative and appealing products and the flexibility of our staff, we have achieved significant growth in 2011.”

In the area of engine manufacturing, last year 1,399,506 (1,284,967) four cylinder Otto and diesel engines, 4,434 (1,327) five cylinder Otto engines, 447,835 (328,138)six cylinder and 27,201 (27,406)eight cylinder engines have been manufactured.In 2011 in Győr, 4,320 (5,773) ten cylinder and 461(419) twelve cylinder engines left the production line.

In the area of vehicle manufacturing, 19,688 (20,413)Audi TT Coupés and 5,804 (5,804) Audi TT Roadsters have been built. Last year, 11,752 (12,309) A3 Cabriolet, 2,236 (15) Audi RS 3 Sportback and 38 concept vehicles leftthe production facility.

In 2011, regarding engine manufacturing, altogether 14 new engine variants have been introduced and two anniversaries were celebrated: the 20 millionth engine and the 10 millionth R4 Otto engine.

In 2011, in the area of vehicle manufacturing, the rise in the manufacturing of the RS 3 Sportback series has taken place and the implementation of the projects in connection with the manufacturing facility enlargement was launched. With this we started the initial and in-service training of our staff for the new vehicle manufacturing facility duties. The training of employees is conducted at the new training centre and company facilities abroad.

The area of the Tool Plant practically doubled to 28,000 square metres in 2011. The expansion enables optimalisation, capacity increase and technological improvement in every production area within the Tool Plant, including machinery and equipment construction, tool manufacturing, as well as the small series manufacturing of body parts. In connection with the expansion of the Tool Plant the Company is creating approximately 60 new jobs.

In 2011, the Engine Development Centre celebrated its 10th anniversary. AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. will add vehicle development to its development activities.In the coming years, the emphasis in this new area will shift to vehicle testing with a focus on manufacturing, thereby assisting the optimal entry of new vehicles in the manufacturing phase.

As of December 31, 2011, Audi Hungaria employed 7,322 (6,138) people.In 2011, approximately 1,200 new employees were hired by the company, primarily at the new vehicle manufacturing facility, in engine manufacturing, at the Tool Plant, in technological research and development and for administrative duties.


Values in parentheses are reference data for the 2010 business year.

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