High level technical competition at Audi Hungaria

2011. 09. 20.

• Focus on teamwork and creative solutions
• The number of participants more than doubled
• Richárd Rozman, managing director for Human Ressources:
“The competition increases the attraction of the company.”

A team of students from the János Batsányi High School and Technical College in Csongrád won the final of “Audi Technik Kreaktivity,” the technical competition organised by AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. This year the contest was held for the fourth time for Hungarian secondary and high school students. The task set by the competition was the design and construction of a “fast” vehicle which is not driven by an internal combustion engine. The event was attended by participants from all parts of the country. The 15 teams presented their inventions accompanied by an advertising campaign, also in the German language. The vehicles had to drive along a 15 metre long straight track.

“With this competition, Audi Hungaria has become familiar and attractive to secondary school students. We are very pleased that the numbers of enquiring and talented young people presenting their ideas and creativity at this event have grown from year to year”, says Richárd Rozman, Audi Hungaria managing director for Human Ressources.

The competition was advertised nationwide for students at secondary and high schools. The best 15 teams from around 50 could enter the final, with a total of 100 participants. The vehicles constructed, with a maximum weight of 1.5 kilograms, had to race each other in pairs along a 15 metre long and 1 metre wide straight track.

A jury comprising Audi Hungaria experts in vehicle and engine manufacture assessed the technical solutions, creativity, speed and team work, as well as design, innovation and the advertising material presented in two languages. Ottó Vincze, a famous football player and leader of the talent scheme for the ETO football club, was also member of the jury.

With this competition, Audi Hungaria makes in time contact with talented students interested in vehicle design. The company provides participants with an opportunity to try out their creativity, and to become familiar with the mysteries of project and team work.

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