Compliance and risk management

Our entrepreneurial actions are based on a forward looking Risk Management, group-wide uniform frameworks, which are based on a Compliance Management system, as well as a Board of Management and employees who act with integrity. This is how we secure our company’s good reputation, and our business partners’ trust and the wellbeing of our employees.

Compliance & Integrity

The elements of compliance and integrity are firmly anchored in our strategy and culture. They are the basis of our actions at Audi Hungaria. Our aim is to make decisions in accordance with the relevant laws, internal regulations, and values.

In order to implement compliance and integrity at Audi Hungaria effectively and for the long term, we use a Compliance Management System (CMS) that adheres to internationally recognized standards. It represents the principles, measures, processes, and structures that must be permanently established and continuously improved in order to comply with laws and counteract systematic misconduct.
Compliance & Integrity
Risk Management

Risk Management

Our Risk Management System (RMS) / Internal Control System (ICS) is based on the internationally recognized COSO framework for enterprise risk management.

The organizational structure of RMS/ICS from Audi Hungaria is based on the internationally recognized COSO Enterprise Risk Management Framework standard (COSO: Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission). It helps to identify and minimize potential risks and, where possible, to avoid them altogether.

Business and human rights

We are committed to our corporate responsibility to uphold human rights and, in doing so, take guidance from the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In terms of content, they refer to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (codified in the Civil and Social Pact), the OECD Guidelines for multinational companies and the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in particular.

As part of the Compliance Management System, Compliance bears central responsibility for the topic of business and human rights and maintains a continuous exchange with various functions, specialist areas and Group coordination. Responsible supply chain management should also be noted as a fundamental element for upholding human rights in cooperation with suppliers.

We have anchored our understanding of the basic aspects of business and human rights in both the Audi Hungaria Code of Conduct and internal policies and have phrased our expectations for employees and business partners in the following documents, for example: Code of Conduct, Social Charter, Volkswagen Code of Conduct for Business Partners.
Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement AUDI Hungaria
AUDI Hungaria Code of Conduct
Social Charter
Business and human rights
Whistleblower System

Whistleblower System

Complying with statutory regulations and internal rules has top priority for Audi Hungaria. The only way to protect our company, our employees, and our business partners is to adhere to the laws and act with integrity. Reports on specific indications of potential misconduct can be made to the Whistleblower System.

Potential regulatory violations can be reported via the following channels:
1. Integrity/ Compliance/ Risk Management (G/FG) department, e-mail:
2. AUDI Investigation Office e-mail:
3. The following phone numbers are accessible 24 hours a day: +800 444 46300 (free line) or +49 5361 946300 (subject to charges)
4. Audi BKMS:
5. Ombudsmen of the Vokswagen Group
For further information about the reporting channels see the General information about the whistleblower system.
Privacy policy about the whistleblower system


Together4Integrity (T4I) is the integrity and compliance program of the Volkswagen Group. It consolidates all existing measures that strengthen culture, ethics, compliance and integrity. T4I is based on the principles of the Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI), a globally recognized standard for ethical corporate principles.
Integrity and compliance are firmly entrenched in the strategy at Audi Hungaria. Based on that, our goal for T4I is to make Audi Hungaria a better company.

Cultural change is a matter of particular significance. It is a matter of getting through to people and strengthening their own drive to act with integrity. The seven Volkswagen Group Essentials lay the groundwork for this. They define how we want to work together at Audi Hungaria and in the Group. They complement the Code of Conduct, which specifies the general rules of conduct with regard to compliance with laws and internal guidelines.

More information on Audi AG website


Audi Hungaria Compliance and Central Risk Management
